Market your property to over 18,000 Meeting Planners from 132 Markets across the United States. If you solicit Group/Meeting Business, put this directory and data to work for you. This is a cost effective way to bring in new group/meeting business. Order the CMS Directory, it will easily integrate with your prospecting software or contact management system. Each profile in the CMS Directory has a meeting planner, Destination Information, Property Information, and Individual Company Meeting Requirements ( Type of Property, etc.). If you would like the data just on your market, we can also segment/filter the directory to those specifics ( Click on the Order/Request Info Below, indicate your market and we will get back to you with cost and data available). We have been in the prospecting database business - specifically designed for the travel industry since 1991. Our data is used because it is cost effective ( Less than 2 cents per prospect ), and most important it works developing new business. For a list of X-Tabs, Samples & Links:
If you were out of you office and are interested For a X-Tab of Group/Meeting Database by Origination State To view a List of our National Clients
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